
Parents Nursery School


Information about tuition, payment, and scholarships


Tuition is due in full at the beginning of each semester.
Our fall semester is August-December; the spring semester is January-May.

Parent Observation 2 – 2.5 years (2 days/week)

$1,383 per semester

Mixed-Age classes 2.5 – 4 years (4 days/week)

$2,883 per semester

Pre-K4 – 5 years (4 days/week)

$2,883 per semester


Application feeApplication fee is due with the application. This fee is waived for returning families.


Registration depositRegistration deposit is due upon accepting a spot in one of our classes. This deposit is applied to the first tuition payment.


Annual general depositRefundable general deposit. Paid annually, per family.

$500 per year


Each year, Parents Nursery School offers a limited number of partial scholarships. The scholarship amount varies according to individual needs and available school resources. If tuition assistance is needed, a family should contact their teacher or the registrar for a scholarship application.

Scholarship applications are due May 1 for the following school year.